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Interview with Julie Shackman – Author of A Scottish Highland Hideaway #TheArtsyReader

My dear bookish friends!
It’s time for part two of my new author interview series! Today, Julie Shackman is our special guest – her books look like they are right up my street, and I can’t wait to start reading them! I mean, just look at those beautiful covers!! A Scottish Highland Hideaway has just been out August 15th, so it is brand-new and ready for you to buy and curl up with by the beach! But first, let’s have a look at Julie’s answers to my questions, shall we?
Author Interview
If you could have dinner with any author, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Oh, it would have to be Shakespeare! I’d love to know more about his life and whether he did write all those wonderful plays and sonnets.
If you could give one tip to aspiring authors just starting out, what would you say?
Never give up! I think some aspiring authors getting downhearted very quickly, if they don’t secure an agent or publisher straight away, but it can be a waiting game before you get a yes. Jut stick with it and keep going.
Is there a book you would like to see as a movie? Which one and why? 
One of mine! Any one! I think most authors dream of having one of their novels turned into a movie or TV series and having someone breathe life into one of mine, would be a dream come true.
Are you a reader as well as a writer? 
Oh, definitely! I love books, love reading and have done since I was a child. I grew up surrounded by books. I think you can’t be a good writer if you’re not a good reader. You learn so much from reading and it helps you to hone your craft.
Was it your always your dream to become an author?
Yes. I studied journalism and communication studies but I always wanted to be an author. I always loved creative writing at school and the teachers would read out my stories to the rest of the class.
Do you have a favourite place in the world? (Can be a country, city, specific place in nature, room in your house…). Tell us why you like it so much. 
One of my favorite countries in the world is Italy and I’m actually going back for a week’s holiday at the start of September. I can’t wait! It’s so romantic, stunning, has so much history, the food is amazing… this will be my fourth visit there.
Were you a child that enjoyed reading? Did you have a favourite children‘s book growing up? 
Yes, I did. I always had my nose in a book and loved the Mallory Towers series, as well as the Ladybird fairytale books. My all-time favourite of those, is Beauty and The Beast and is still my favourite all-time fairytale today. Such a beautiful story.
Other than reading or writing, do you have any hobbies you pursue? 
I love working out, taking my dog for long walks, listening to music and going to art galleries and museums.
Are there any books or authors who inspired you to become a writer yourself? 
I have a few favourite authors who have inspired me over the years. In particular I love Jenny Colgan, Trisha Ashley, Sophie Kinsella, Jo-Jo Moyes and Wendy Holden. They make you feel like you are in the thick of the action and their descriptions and characters are amazing.
Is there a specific time of day that you dedicate solely to writing, or do you write whenever you can? 
I just try to write when I can. I tend to be more productive and work better in the earlier part of the day, rather than at night. I feel like I tend to do my best work then.
Do your dreams ever find a way into your writing?
I sometimes get ideas for places in my dreams, but I tend to have rather weird ones, so not normally!
Do you have a notebook and pen on your nightstand, and do you ever wake up at night with an idea you absolutely must write down immediately? 
I don’t have them on my nightstand, but I do carry a notebook and pens around with me and I also take one on holiday. You just never know when you might get some inspiration!
Do you prefer writing down ideas by hand, or do you use your phone or computer?
I tend to prefer writing ideas and my first draft in long hand and then I type them up. I can’t write directly onto the PC. I don’t know why, but it just doesn’t work for me. It seems to come a little easier and be more organic with a notebook and pen. I’m a stationery obsessive!
Do you write every day? 
I try to. I used to beat myself up if I didn’t, but know if I miss a day for whatever reason, I just resolve to make up for it the next day.
Which part of the writing process do you enjoy the least and which the most? 
I love world building and coming up with characters. That is definately my favoruite part. My least favourite part is the editing, but at the end of the day, it has to be done and makes my writing better.
Thank you so much, Julie!
About the Author
Julie Shackman is a former journalist from Scotland, who has always wanted to write feel-good romance.
As well as being an author, Julie also writes verses and captions for greetings card companies. Julie admits to having an obsession with stationery and handbags.
Julie has two sons and adopted a Romanian rescue puppy, Cooper.
A Scottish Highland Hideaway is Julie’s eleventh novel.
About the Book
A Scottish Highland Hideaway – Out 15 August in EB & PB from HarperCollins imprint One More Chapter.
For Bailey McArthur, her family and job mean everything. She runs her own floristry shop and loves spending time in nature in the pretty town of Heather Moore, whilst desperately trying to forget about being jilted on her wedding day.
When journalist Zach Stern arrives in town asking questions about a famous actor, Bailey decides to throw him off the trail of the superstar hiding out in the Scottish Highlands.
But despite Bailey’s efforts to thwart Zach’s investigation, she finds herself falling for him. It’s just a shame she can’t be honest with him. But then, Bailey might not be the only one with a secret to hide…
Looking at these beautiful book covers immediately makes me want to curl up and read all day! Thank you so much for joining me today, Julie, and to our audience for reading!

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