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Mystery Blogger Award #2 & #3

Guys, can you believe it? I’ve been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award again! I’m so happy! Thank you so much to Up with a Book for the nomination, I really appreciate it – though now I feel like I had to share quite a lot of embarrassing stories because of you lol!

[Edit: I just realized I was also nominated by the lovely Nadimame ! Thank you SO much!!! Instead of posting all the rules (and ANOTHER three facts about me lol) again I decided to edit this post and include Nada’s questions here as well! Enjoy! xoxo]

I love the idea of the award’s creator to bring more recognition to new bloggers and help them find their place in the community.
If you want to know more about what this award means, I quote the creator, Okoto Enigma, directly:

“‘Mystery Blogger Award’ is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.”

Does this not sound super special? I think it sure does!:) I feel very honoured now! Before we get into it, here are the rules:

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)


Soooo, I guess now’s the time to tell you three things about myself

Here we go:

  1. I think I’m one of the few people whose favorite season is actually winter! When I was younger it was summer all the way, but to be honest, I cannot take the heat anymore. Instead, I’m dreaming of cold but cozy winter nights with hot chocolate and biscuits, warm sweaters, boots and rich and savory foods. (It might be the heat wave talking, but… :D)
  2. In another life, I see myself growing up on a farm with many animals (especially dogs and horses), and living a more rural, closer to nature, farm life. I don’t really know why – as I really like my life – but I always thought that must be such a fulfilling life to lead! And let’s be honest, one lifetime is just not long enough to experience everything you’d like to…
  3. I own a pet turtle! And I love her dearly. I’ve had her since my early childhood (I really wanted a fluffy, furry animal but was highly allergic to them) and don’t ever want to miss her!


Now onto the five question from Up with a Book:

  1. Favourite colour?

Uhhh, I DON’T KNOW! I know you meant this as an easy question to start off with but I’m so indecisive! I like white, most pastel colours, turquoise, pink, gold, dark blue, yellow… And also so many more? Lol

2. Most embarrassing moment?

You want me to choose just one? Lol… Well, let me dig deep down in my memory… I think it was pretty embarrassing when in around 8th grade, I was standing with my best friend outside a classroom, waiting for the other students to leave the room. Suddenly, there was this guy who stepped out and stopped right in front of me. Under normal circumstances, this strange and uncomfortable ‘both step to the right, both step to the left, then they uncomfortably step around each other and apologize multiple times’ would have happened.

BUT. It didn’t. We stood in front of each other, gazed into each other’s eyes, and neither did a step in any direction. My friend later told me she looked from him to me and didn’t know what to do. Then the moment was over, but apparently it took at least a minute. There was zero attraction between us (at least from my side), and I still don’t know what was so captivating that I couldn’t look away. Strange. And embarrassing. Because everyone around us was watching and that was quite the sensation in school.

If you want a more conventional embarrassing story though, I have another. On the evening of my prom, I wore high heels for the first time in my life. I did practice walking in them a little bit the days before, but apparently not enough. When I arrived at the venue, a group of my classmates that I wasn’t really close friends with came down the stairs and I waited for them for a minute, but then decided to ascend the stairs without waiting any longer. Well, I did the first step, tripped, and fell UP the stairs. Right in front of them. The start of a great evening! lol

3. (Weird question) What is a seemingly normal scenario where you actually feel terribly awkward?

Wow, so you DO want to know a lot of embarrassing and awkward stories from me, don’t you? XD I feel terribly awkward all the time. Where to start? When talking in public, talking to strangers, at job interviews, talking on the phone, asking for directions, in the scenario you mentioned, on a bus or train when someone sits next to you and your legs are touching the whole time (*shudders*) or you sit across from each other and feel the other person’s lingering gaze on you… So basically, all the time? Also, isn’t life just a collection of one awkward moment after the other? 😀

4. What’s that one book that you read where you can claim you were a fan BEFORE it went all cool?

Umm, I don’t think I have one to be honest… It actually seems like I’m always too late for everything! Probably because I continuously try to stay on top of my TBR list (which is constantly growing) and since I can never reach the top in time before new books make it on the list I’m always too far behind… sad but true.

5. You meet someone. It feels … off. You’re already starting to not like them. Do you give it time or trust your instincts?

I’m usually very good with people and most of the time my first instinct proves to be right, BUT I also always give everybody a chance. So I would probably be careful around them (meaning: not tell them my deepest and darkest secrets right away) and wait until I find out more I guess? I’m always happy to change my first opinion though! So what if they prove to be the nicest person after a while, and maybe the day I met them they had a bad day. Obviously, that’s the dream scenario. But who knows, dreams might come true after all 😉

Here are Nada’s questions together with my answers:

  1. What does ‘success’ mean to you?

Success. Wow, that’s a huge word. I think it can be interpreted in different ways. For me, success means accomplishing something I wanted to accomplish – no matter if it means ‘success’ to others too or not. But if I can make somebody else proud of me as well, that’s the ultimate joy. Overall I think that whatever you do, if it makes YOU happy and proud of yourself – that is the biggest success.

2. How best could you describe your Blog?

My blog is a place for me to talk about my favorite topic ever: books! I always wanted to have such a place where I can share my opinion with others, and I’m so glad I’ve finally created it for myself. My other big dream was to include creative posts as well, because I love crafts and DIYs very much. However, the crafting seasons for me are autumn and winter – so it hasn’t really started yet… That’s why I have only posted 1 (*looks sheepish and embarrassed*) of such creative posts so far… But I promise there will be more! I will post mainly book-related stuff though, so if you like that you’re safe with me 🙂

3. What does the blogging community mean to you?

A LOT!!! I always dreamed of getting to know more people who like the same things I like, and having someone to talk to about them. But, did I expect to actually find them? And so quickly, as well?? Never! That’s why I’m eternally grateful for each and every one of you lovely people out there who are connecting with me online (mostly on Twitter) – I love you all so much!

4. What’ the best role you love, reader or writer?

Ahhhh, that’s so hard! I need both parts in my life, that’s for sure! If I had to decide though, I would say reader, because it mostly gives me inspiration for writing and I couldn’t do it without. Also, no day feels complete if I didn’t read at all.

5. What makes you the happy the most?

Good one! I’m over the moon to be able to say that many things make happy. Reading, writing, crafting, painting, listening to music, meeting my friends, being surrounded by family, getting AND giving compliments, dreaming of Christmas, all things Christmas in general, watching a nice movie, fangirling about fictional characters (especially Rhysand), finding like-minded people, feeling loved, seeing acts of kindness. I’m sure there’s more, but that’s what comes to my mind right now.

6. What is your perfect time for blogging?

Usually in the evenings, sometimes in the morning. It depends, but in the end, it doesn’t really matter, as long as I get a post done! 😀

7. In five words….describe your only dream?

Ooooh!!!! My ONLY dream??? I don’t know… I guess the words would be more universal dreams and wishes of mine, like *family* *health* *writing* *success* *books* ??? Is that what you meant? Probably not. Sorry!!!

Now apparently I’m supposed to link my favorite post I did here on my blog. I don’t think it has changed since I did the Mystery Blogger Award for the first time, because A Court of Mist and Fury still is my favorite book ever (to this day), so I’m going to have to say the 161 Thoughts I had while reading A Court of Mist and Fury!


To keep this amazing award going, I nominate the following people:

*LaughingListener* *AnnMarieSwaim* *FictionNoChaser* *OnlineBlanketFort* *BookathonBlog* *HoardofBooks* *FirstPageWonders* *HappyReadingCo* *Nadimame* *BetweenthePages*

Here are my five questions for you:

  1. Let’s start with the funny question: Do you have any pet peeves? (funny answers appreciated)
  2. Which three words would you use to describe yourself?
  3. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life and it cannot be pizza, what would it be?
  4. What is the best thing that happened to you since you started your blog?
  5. If you could give new bloggers three tips you wish you had known before you started your blog, what would they be?


I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little bit better! If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to comment them down below!

And for those of you I nominated, I’m sorry if it’s a double nomination – but you could see it as the great honour that it clearly is and answer my five questions too 🙂

I’m looking forward to your posts!



3,621 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award #2 & #3

  1. Hey, wow, I’m so sorry I only JUST got around to reading this post! 🙈 I saw that you’d nominated me, but I had a friend over, so I opened up the tab and forgot about it (it got buried in the 47 tabs I had open oops).

    Thank you so much for nominating me! I really appreciate it (even if it might not seem like it with how long it took me to read this… Again, so sorry!)

    I’m on hiatus right now, but I’ll post this as soon as I’m back 🙂

    And SAME I love the winter! It’s so cozy and festive and I hate the summer because it’s wayyyy too hot. 😂

    1. Haha, no worries Iris, that’s ok! 😉 Just do it whenever you feel like it, looking forward to reading your post then!:)
      YAY to another winter-loving friend!!!

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