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Thunder and Rain: Bookish Moods


I don’t know about you, but for me, rain and thunderstorms are bliss. Well, at least when I have a free day and can enjoy the stormy weather from the safe confines of my home. It just makes you feel so cozy and calm when you can watch the raindrops fall and run down the window. Put a book into my hands and a tea (and maybe some cookies :D) on the table next to me and I’m happy. That’s also why I love autumn and winter best. When I was a child I used to love summer most, the really hot summer days I now almost find unbearable. During the last couple of years, however, autumn and winter have made their way into my heart.

Imagine this. It’s freezing cold outside. You’re walking home from work, the sky is grey and the clouds are getting thicker and closing in. Your hands are so cold that your fingers are almost getting numb. You blow on them to make them at least a little bit warmer, and search in your bag for your pair of mittens you started to carry around the last couple of days. Suddenly, you feel a droplet of rain touch your cheek, and you’re glad to see that your home is finally in sight. Inside, you take your jacket and shoes off and take your most cozy and comfy blanket, prepare yourself a cup of tea and take your newest book with you on the couch. As the rain starts falling more heavily, you take a seat and start reading….

Isn’t that creating a very cozy and fluffy feeling inside of your stomach? Well, it is in mine! The same is true for snow. I love to look at it, but not necessarily when I’m outside myself… I’m already looking forward to the cooler seasons (especially Christmas, but don’t let me get started on that, because I would still sit here and type by tomorrow :D) and to more reading time! I just find that sun and longer days are pulling me outside more, so reading time gets scarce…

However, there are always the nights… Do you also love the feeling you get when you are reading late at night, maybe a book you just can’t put down, or one you started reading because you couldn’t fall asleep, and it feels like you’re the only person on earth that is still awake? When everything around you is silent and pitch-dark, isn’t it an amazing feeling to immerse yourself deep into a story, and really feel like you are part of it?

If you wonder what inspired this little text of mine… there is a thunderstorm rumbling right outside my windows, and it is almost midnight, so my two favorite reading times combined J

So tell me in the comments below, when do you like to read the most? Is it the same as me, or maybe you’re more of a beach and bright sunlight reader?

2 thoughts on “Thunder and Rain: Bookish Moods

  1. Haven’t actually really thought about it. I love the stormy and wintry days. But with all the sun we’ve been getting lately, I have to say that I also love sitting somewhere by the water, grass between my toes (xD) and a soft breeze in my hair. Which reminds me: must stop watching Christmas movies and find some summery reads…

    1. Have you found any good summer reads yet? I wanted to recommend you The Summer of Serendipity, but unfortunately I didn’t like it that much…

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